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Thank You for Influencing Our Future Direction

2017 proved itself to be a divisive moment in the United States. As GEO marks our 20th anniversary this year, we are focused on bringing people together, building on what we’ve learned and challenging some traditional ways of doing business. Thank you for engaging with us throughout 2017 and sharing your wisdom and perspectives. With your help, we were able to develop a strategic direction that will make us a stronger organization and a stronger community — one that holds true to the values that bind us together. Our next 20 years of meaningful progress start now, and there’s much to celebrate!

Read our 2018 – 2021 Strategic Direction to see how your input influenced our focus for the next four years.

If you want to learn more, I’ll be hosting a Member Call on February 26, with GEO Board Chair, LaTida Smith, to discuss our new strategy. Register to join us here.

This year will be another year of growth for the GEO community. One important area for growth is to develop a new definition of effectiveness that integrates racial equity. In this moment, let us remember how much grantmakers can achieve when we work together with nonprofits. Together, we are stronger than the challenges standing before us. Together, we can mobilize our community like never before. Together, we will raise our voices with confidence, and move past obstacles to creating more equitable, supportive communities.

I’d love to hear what you will be working on this year and how we might learn from each other. Feel free to send me a note at or tweet me at @EnrightGEO. Happy New Year!

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