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about GEO

Thank You to our Supporters

Many organizations provide resources to GEO to support a shared vision for transforming philanthropic culture and practice. GEO is grateful for the support of all our funders, including those who provide grants, sponsor conferences and contribute via GEO’s Leadership Circle.

Interested in supporting GEO?

Reach out to our Membership and Development team.

General Operating and Program Support

  • Angell Foundation
  • Barr Foundation
  • Blue Shield of California Foundation
  • Borealis Philanthropy
  • Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
  • Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation
  • HopeLab
  • Humanity United
  • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
  • Missouri Foundation for Health
  • Omidyar Network Fund, Inc.
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Surdna Foundation
  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
  • The Priddy Foundation
  • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • Weingart Foundation
  • Wellspring Philanthropic Fund 

2024 National Conference Venue Relocation Supporters

  • The California Endowment
  • California Health Care Foundation
  • Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
  • Rotary Charities of Traverse City
  • San Francisco Foundation
  • Stupski Foundation
  • Walter and Elise Haas Fund

2024 National Conference Sponsors

  • Angell Foundation 

  • Annenberg Foundation 
a)plan coaching [ME1] 
Arabella Advisors 
  • Ascendium Education Group 

  • Blue Shield of California Foundation 

  • Bush Foundation 

  • California Community Foundation[ME2]  
  • The California Endowment 
  • California Health Care Foundation 

  • The California Wellness Foundation 

  • CareQuest Institute for Oral Health 

  • Community IT Innovators[ME3]  

  • Community Partners 

  • Conrad N. Hilton Foundation 

  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation 

  • East Bay Community Foundation 

  • Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund 

  • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation 

  • Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation 

  • Humanity United 

  • The James Irvine Foundation 

  • The Kresge Foundation 

  • Lumina Foundation 

  • Missouri Foundation for Health 

  • Northern California Grantmakers 

  • The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation 

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