
From publications to toolkits, GEO’s resources lift up experiences from your peers to help you turn knowledge into action.


A Change Management & Deep Equity Primer: The What, Why, How & Nuance

This publication from Movement Tapestries offers insights and guidance for organizations navigating equity-embedded transformations, and the challenges that can come with embarking on such journeys.
  • January 16, 2023
  • Sheryl Petty, Ed.D.


About 744 results.

  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Work-from-home cost reimbursements/stipends

    We’re seeking info about what foundations might be doing with regard to remote work stipends to acknowledge and compensate the costs staff are incurring for working from home. We’re trying to get a sense if there might be something like an “industry standard” developing for such a stipend.   Thanks for your insights, Georganna 
    • February 1, 2021
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Time Spent in Portfolio

    Hi there - as we plan for next year we are looking at how long we fund the organizations in our portfolio. We don't have any rules about this. A large number of organizations have been in our portfolio for 6 years or more. I am thinking about how to balance long-term commitment with bringing in new partners in a context where I can't increase staff. Would appreciate any examples of how folks manage this. Thanks! Lisa
    • November 11, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Grant Approval Thresholds

    Hello Colleagues, We are in the process of evaluating our grant thresholds for what our President/CEO and program staff can approve and what grant requests go before our grants committee. Can you please share what amounts (grants under a certain dollar amount) you are able to approve through staff? Looking forward to learning from you!
    • November 11, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Grantmaking at Milestones

    Hello Colleagues, Our Foundation is preparing to celebrate our 50th Anniversary and great work is already underway! I’m reaching out to ask about your experiences with celebratory grantmaking – special programs or projects that you launched, particular grants (any specific sizes, focus, etc.) that were awarded, and/or new priorities that were identified in partnership with a celebratory milestone -- Looking forward to learning from you and your experience! Wishes of health to all!
    • November 11, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Impact Report Samples

    Hello, Everyone! I am in search of Impact Report Samples. Please share a quick reference or link to anything you’ve found particularly inspiring and helpful ~ including samples that capture major, multi-year investments. The Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation (nonprofit arm of Sprouts Farmers Market) operates a high-impact, multi-year grant program and will be producing a report (for board members and community at large) and we’d like to knock it out of the park! With advance gratitude for your generosity of time and insight,
    • August 4, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Funding COVID-19 Testing/Contact Tracing

    The Patterson Foundation is interested in learning from funders who are supporting COVID testing sites, contact tracing, or vaccine work. This is specifically related to undertaking direct work testing/contact-tracing/vaccine research rather than recovery or economic support work. Appreciative of any insight!
    • August 4, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Promotional Kit for Grantees

    Good afternoon! We would like to encourage grantees to include us in their promotional materials for programs/projects/initiatives that we have funded. I’d like it to be a “kit” with various marketing verbiage and tools (like our logo) that we can send via a link to our grantees after a grant cycle, either hosted on a webpage or other “all-in-one” vehicle to make it very easy for them to pull the language or logo they need, with minimal support from our team. Do any other foundations have a promotional kit like this and ask grantees to include their foundation’s name/logo in their marketing and PR? If so, I’d appreciate knowing how you word this to your grantees, what tools you provide, and how you share those tools with grantees. Thanks!
    • August 4, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Consultant to assist in RFP process for Investment Firm Search

    The Mary Black Foundation will be undergoing a RFP process for Investment Firm this fall. We would like to use a consultant to help us through the process of soliciting and reviewing proposals. Do you have any recommendations for this service? Many thanks for your feedback!
    • August 4, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Consultant to assist in RFP process for Investment Firm Search

    The Mary Black Foundation will be undergoing a RFP process for Investment Firm this fall. We would like to use a consultant to help us through the process of soliciting and reviewing proposals. Do you have any recommendations for this service? Many thanks for your feedback!
    • July 24, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Promotional Kit for Grantees

    Good afternoon! We would like to encourage grantees to include us in their promotional materials for programs/projects/initiatives that we have funded. I’d like it to be a “kit” with various marketing verbiage and tools (like our logo) that we can send via a link to our grantees after a grant cycle, either hosted on a webpage or other “all-in-one” vehicle to make it very easy for them to pull the language or logo they need, with minimal support from our team. Do any other foundations have a promotional kit like this and ask grantees to include their foundation’s name/logo in their marketing and PR? If so, I’d appreciate knowing how you word this to your grantees, what tools you provide, and how you share those tools with grantees.
    • July 24, 2020
    • Bo Dorsey