General Operating Support: Action Guide
What is general operating support? How are grantmakers providing it? GEO’s answer to these questions (and more) were inspired by a spirited conversation that took place in early 2007 on the GEO listserv.
What is general operating support? How are grantmakers providing it? GEO’s answer to these questions (and more) were inspired by a spirited conversation that took place in early 2007 on the GEO listserv.
This publication explores what it means to be a “learning organization;” how to make the case for a stepped-up commitment to learning to your staff, board and grantees; andstrategies to embed learning in your day-to-day grantmaking work.
GEO’s Change Agent Project seeks to inspire change in grantmakers so they can help their grantees achieve meaningful results. This report on Phase 1 of GEO’s Change Agent Project delves deeper into what is necessary to instill change in grantmaking practices. This publication was reprinted in 2010.
This publication explores a sampling of the leadership development practices being utilized now in the nonprofit sector.
Given the vast literature on leadership development and the challenges of translating research and theory into practice, this publication explores a sampling of the leadership development literature.
Capacity Building for Impact: The Future of Effectiveness for Nonprofits