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General Operating Support: Action Guide

What is general operating support? How are grantmakers providing it? GEO’s answer to these questions (and more) were inspired by a spirited conversation that took place in early 2007 on the GEO listserv.

Learning for Results

This publication explores what it means to be a “learning organization;” how to make the case for a stepped-up commitment to learning to your staff, board and grantees; andstrategies to embed learning in your day-to-day grantmaking work.

Listen, Learn, Lead: Grantmaker Practices that Support Nonprofit Results

GEO’s Change Agent Project seeks to inspire change in grantmakers so they can help their grantees achieve meaningful results. This report on Phase 1 of GEO’s Change Agent Project delves deeper into what is necessary to instill change in grantmaking practices. This publication was reprinted in 2010.