Engaging Stakeholders for More Effective Grantmaking Tear Sheet
Engaging Stakeholders for More Effective Grantmaking Tear Sheet
Engaging Stakeholders for More Effective Grantmaking Tear Sheet
The executive summary for Due Diligence Done Well.
Grantmaker Examples: Due Dilligence Done Well
There is a growing movement in philanthropy — a movement founded on the belief that grantmakers are more effective to the extent that they meaningfully engage their grantees and other key stakeholders. Grantmakers doing this work have arrived at an understanding that much of the knowledge and experience they need to solve the problems they want to solve, and to help them do a better job as grantmakers, resides in the communities they serve.
Addressing Key Financial Challenges Facing Nonprofits: Five Strategies for Grantmakers
This publication offers a brief overview of how grantmakers are looking at evaluation through an organizational learning and effectiveness lens.
Evaluation in Philanthropy: Perspectives and Stories from the Field
An excerpt from GEO’s upcoming publication, On the Money: The Key Financial Challenges Facing Nonprofits Today — and How Grantmakers Can Help.
A collection of resources and examples of GEO members showing steady leadership in addressing the economic crisis.
Finding tomorrow?s nonprofit leaders requires more than beating the bushes for fresh faces and new talent and supporting new or expanded leadership programs. It also requires a top-to-bottom look at the nature of nonprofit organizations and nonprofit careers; consideration of the fiscal challenges facing nonprofits as they work to identify, recruit and support next-generation leaders; and commitment to building a more diverse workforce, in terms of race, gender and age.
Many grantmakers agree that general operating support can boost effectiveness and impact for nonprofits. At the same time, however, the field continues to struggle to answer a question that has become a significant barrier to the wider use of general operating support: How are we going to measure its impact? This supplement to GEO?s General Operating Support Action Guide was created to demonstrate how some grantmakers are assessing the impact of general operating support.
General operating support insights, lessons and ongoing explorations from The Philadelphia Foundation, The Endowment for Health and Social Venture Partners Seattle.