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How Can We Help Our Grantees Strengthen Their Capacity for Evaluation?

There is widespread and growing recognition in the nonprofit sector about the importance of evaluation — not only for measuring impact, but also for improving programs and better serving communities. While grantmakers generally see evaluation as necessary, most are not yet investing enough resources in this area.

Leveraging Social Sector Leadership

What do social sector leaders need to help them succeed and, just as importantly, stay in the sector? What can grantmakers do to support these leaders?

What Are Different Ways to Engage Stakeholders?

A host of specific practices and activities can help grantmakers bring the voices of nonprofits, beneficiaries and community members into decision making and planning. These activities range from lower touch where grantmakers create vehicles to communicate with key stakeholders, to higher levels of involvement in shaping grantmaking programs.

What Financial Challenges Do Nonprofits Face?

Financial struggles are a reality for many nonprofits, even those with excellent programs. Primarily dependent on highly restricted grant support that does not cover general operations, today’s nonprofits spend too much time trying to cobble together a patchwork of funding sources.

Is Grantmaking Getting Smarter?

Grantmakers recognize the value of supporting effective, well-led organizations – strong organizations create meaningful changes in the world. To help us understand whether we are making progress in supporting nonprofits in ways that allow them to be successful, GEO conducts field research to track trends in grantmaker practice. In short, we want to know: is grantmaking getting smarter?

What Makes a Successful Learning Community?

Learning communities are powerful vehicles for both individuals and communities to amass a shared collection of experience around learning and results from collective action. Grantmakers are well positioned to provide the types of support that catalyze, develop and sustain learning communities. This piece offers key learning for grantmakers about the design, execution and outcomes of learning communities.

What Mindset is Needed to Support Collaboration?

Throughout history, social change has been possible only through the contributions and dedication of many people and organizations connected in tight and loose groups. Recognizing that operating within the confines of a single organization is often insufficient to create widespread, lasting change, grantmakers are adopting a different mindset that helps them see and do their work as part of larger, more diverse and powerful efforts.

Evaluating Community Change: A Framework for Grantmakers

Philanthropy works to improve conditions in communities so that life is better for the people living in them. Grantmakers, including government funders, community foundations and private foundations that fund both locally and nationally, are investing in place-based community change efforts that take many forms.

Evaluating Community Change: A Framework for Grantmakers (text version)

Philanthropy works to improve conditions in communities so that life is better for the people living in them. Grantmakers, including government funders, community foundations and private foundations that fund both locally and nationally, are investing in place-based community change efforts that take many forms.

Which Stakeholders Should We Involve in Our Decisions and How?

Taking time early in the grantmaking process to map out the stakeholders affected by our work, and their position in the ecosystem, helps creates a deeper understanding of key issues. It also prepares us to address future concerns and to tap stakeholder expertise in a proactive way that helps build agreement and buy-in that ultimately leads to more effective programs. In order to do this well, grantmakers need to master stakeholder analysis and determine how to bring key players into decision-making.

How Do We Build and Maintain Authentic Relationships?

While we may not be able to totally remove the inherent power imbalance between grantmakers, our grantees and the communities we serve, we can take steps to build more trusting, honest and authentic relationships.

What is Empathy and What Are the Benefits?

Empathy is one of the main reasons individual and institutional philanthropy exist. Grantmakers in communities across the country and around the world are mission-bound to try and help people and communities overcome challenges in order to thrive.