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What is a Learning Organization?

Learning in philanthropy can happen in any number of ways — from traditional training programs and orientations for new staff to regular discussions among staff members, board members, grantees and grantmakers about how things are going and how to get better results.

How Do We Select the Right Evaluation Approach for the Job?

The most difficult part of evaluation can be to know where to begin. There is so much information we could gather, but the key is determining what is most useful for what we need to know now to make better decisions and improve performance. This piece offers a matrix to guide thinking about what we want to learn from our evaluation, what tools and methods can support that learning and what key questions can help shape evaluation plans.

How Will We Know If Our Capacity-Building Support is Working?

One of the biggest barriers to supporting capacity building is knowing how to tell if the support we give is having the desired impact. It can be difficult to measure improvements in organizational capacity and even more difficult to make the connection between capacity improvements and organizational outcomes.

What is General Operating Support and Why is it Important?

How can grantmakers expect nonprofits to deliver on their missions when many of them are struggling just to stay afloat? How can grantmakers expect nonprofits to perform effectively when they don’t have the funds they need to invest in decent salaries, technology and other infrastructure?