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The Learning Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Culture in Action

Recognizing the need for adopting and maintaining a learning culture in our organizations is just the first step. How do we go about addressing the challenge of actually creating and living out this culture in our daily work and across our organization? What does it mean to have an active learning culture in your organization?

The Learning Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Who Do You Think We Are?

At GEO’s Learning Conference 2017, Trabian Shorters of the BMe Community discussed how negative portrayals of black men and African American communities affect the ways we interact with communities. And Trabian outlined how “asset-framing” and changing the way we think and talk about certain communities can be used to combat bias, shift perspective and inspire constructive action.

The Learning Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Escaping the Echo Chamber

Jessamyn Shams-Lau, the executive director of the Peery Foundation, gave a Short Talk at GEO’s Learning Conference 2017 that offered an insider look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of building an organizational culture of seeking, discussing, and implementing feedback at a family foundation.

Systems Grantmaking Resource Guide

Philanthropy is ever on a quest to increase effectiveness. Over the last few decades, there have been efforts to be more proactive, strategic, outcomes focused, learning oriented and inclusive. Along this journey, grantmakers have increasingly recognized that impact does not happen in isolation. The daunting problems facing society today are deeply embedded in a web of intractable issues, fragmented relationships and unpredictable events.