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FAQs – 2025 GEO Learning Conference

Last Updated December 2024  Who should attend GEO’s 2024 National Conference?   GEO conferences are open to current GEO members; all staff and trustees of grantmaking institutions; staff of philanthropy-supporting infrastructure groups, such as regional associations of grantmakers and …

2018 National Conference Discussion Guide: The GEO Community at 20

Over the last 20 years, the GEO community has worked to transform a desire for results into real improvements by creating spaces where grantmakers learn together and use that learning to drive concrete changes in the way grantmaking work gets done. As a field, we’ve made progress. And, as we continue learning together, our understanding of effective philanthropy evolves.

2018 National Conference Discussion Guide: Automating Austerity

Virginia Eubanks, professor at the University at Albany, SUNY and author of Automating Inequality offered lessons from twenty years of research and reporting on the use of digital tools in public service programs to place the big data revolution in its political and economic context.

2018 National Conference Discussion Guide: Creating Space for Systems Change

Raj Jayadev of Silicon Valley De-Bug shared how De-Bug has been transforming the criminal justice system using a “participatory defense” approach that empowers families and community members to sway the result of court cases. He suggested ways grantmakers can support systems change work led by nonprofits and communities, and how creating space allows for the innovation that’s needed to tackle oppressive systems and institutions.

2018 National Conference Discussion Guide: Stories as Catalysts for Widespread Change

American culture and narratives are rooted in a collective ambivalence about how we formed this country – in both oppression and opportunity; open doors to some, closed to others; welcoming from afar but often discriminatory day-to-day. But traditional messaging campaigns and op-eds aren’t generally effective at moving people toward a greater sense of shared fate.

Leading Change Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Home Team Meetups

Leading change requires us to be bold, yet transformation can be intense and exhausting. Linking up with peers can rejuvenate us to do the work, and the Home Teams at the Leading Change Conference 2017 were designed to help you prepare to lead change efforts no matter where you sit in your organization.