GEOAsks: Vic De Luca, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation
In this issue of GEOAsks, we speak to Vic De Luca, president of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, about the opportunities and challenges of funding in the movement-building space.
In this issue of GEOAsks, we speak to Vic De Luca, president of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, about the opportunities and challenges of funding in the movement-building space.
In this issue of GEO Asks, Susan Phillips, vice president of human capital at Omidyar Network, shares her knowledge and experience about how to build nonprofit capacity to support networks.
Member Story: Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Member Story: Global Fund for Children
Nov. 2012 Member Spotlight: George Kaiser Family Foundation
In this issue’s GEO ASKS we talk to Alice Shobe, executive director of Building Changes in Seattle.
Member Story: Mary Morton Parsons Foundation
Unrestricted Funding Member Story: Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Member Story: FISA Foundation
Member Story: Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
In this issue of GEO ASKS, GEO speaks with Rebekah Levin, evaluation director for McCormick Foundation, about the foundation’s efforts towards integrating evaluation in their work.
Member Story: Marin Community Foundation