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Looking Forward and Looking Back: 20 Years of Community

This year, the GEO community celebrates 20 years of making meaningful progress together. It’s a moment for recognizing the fundamental power of community — a moment for remembering how much grantmakers have achieved, and can achieve, when we work together.

Our next 20 years of meaningful progress start today. It starts with deepening the power of our community to enable the systemic change we need. That means:

  • Deepening our commitments to one another, especially when it comes to taking equity from the margins to everyday practice.
  • Deepening our collective capability to share lessons as we’re learning them, and to follow through on practice changes that give nonprofits what they need to succeed.
  • Deepening our progress to enable meaningful, equitable outcomes at a greater scale than ever before.

In 1998, the drive to learn from one another first brought the GEO community together. And it has fueled our success every step of the way since. Working together over the past 20 years, we’ve challenged each other to live out our values in our daily work and to focus on what matters most to nonprofits’ success. As a result, we’ve outpaced other funders in making productive changes to help nonprofits achieve more.

Today our community is larger, more diverse and more ready to lead the field forward. Together, we can raise our voices with confidence. Throughout the next year, you’ll hear directly from members on what they’re grappling with, what they’re excited about and why they keep coming back to our community. Check back here the last week of each month for a new Perspectives post, and watch your inbox for more details on special 20th Anniversary opportunities.

Join us in celebrating all that we’ve accomplished and in charting a path for future progress. How has the GEO community made a difference to you and your work? How could the GEO community make a bigger difference in the future? Share your experience and your ideas with us, and help our community grow even stronger.

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