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GEO Statement on the Violence at the U.S. Capitol: Threats to Democracy Demand an Emphatic Philanthropic Response

This week, American democracy came under siege in full public view leaving no room for misinterpretation or indifference, demanding the question centered on how philanthropic leaders — as stewards of humanity — will choose to respond next.

The violence, intimidation, and destruction we witnessed at the U.S. Capitol were intended to jeopardize the peaceful transition of U.S. democratic power. In response, the GEO community affirms the salience of racial equity grantmaking competencies and joins other members of the philanthropic and nonprofit community who stand opposed to egregious acts of domestic terrorism in all of its forms. Additionally, we redouble our commitment to promoting meaningful civic engagement and supporting the on-the-ground organizers who continually push our democracy to embody the ideals we profess.

It has felt particularly irresponsible and painful to conflate the experience and motives of disaffected insurrectionists from the majority of our population with the routine mistreatment of Black-led racial justice protestors. As an organization based in Washington, D.C., GEO appreciates the critical value that nuance offers to understanding the plights of various groups who share fates, yet experience the world in dramatically different ways. We are simultaneously angered and saddened for the local community here that bears the impact of these threats.

For the philanthropic sector, 2021 may prove an inflection point — a moment upon which we will look in hindsight one day to determine the extent to which we were truly on the "right side of history." It is far past time to make sure we are putting our values into action and working to build an equitable future where we all can thrive. In recognition of our linked fates, we owe it to ourselves and the legacy of leaders who have come before us to dare and try. Our experience is that being on the "right side of history" demands this from us all, today and going forward. To this end, we urge our members and other grantmakers to assess your power to affect change, recognize your critical role in this societal moment, and reach out now to support the nonprofits, movements, organizers, and communities who are working to ensure that America delivers on its promise, for all people.

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