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Events & Connections


GEO conferences educate and inspire action. We recognize that the best learning occurs when innovative grantmakers collaborate with our peers, especially when we are tackling the problems that challenge us the most. This type of knowledge building leads to stronger ideas, changed practice and a community that is empowered to lead change. 

Conferences are our highest rated resource

GEO holds a biennial national conference that attracts 1000 grantmakers who are committed to finding ways to make progress and increase our effectiveness. GEO also holds two smaller topical conferences in odd-numbered years, including The Learning Conference.

Upcoming Conferences

Future Conferences

2027 Learning Conference

Save the Date for GEO’s 2027 Learning Conference, from May 25-26, 2027…

  • Conferences

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GEO members get priority access and discounted registration rates — it’s why so many of our conferences are nearly sold out before they open to nonmembers. Join today to take advantage of these special benefits!

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