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2024 National Conference

Hosted in partnership with Philanthropy California, GEO’s 2024 National Conference offered grantmakers and other practitioners the opportunity to explore equity-centered and community-driven grantmaking practices that support transformational change in order to create a just, connected and inclusive society where we can all thrive.

The 2024 National Conference took place at the Westin Bonaventure from May 20 – 22, 2024. Learn more about our decision to change the conference venue here.

Our Regional Partner

Philanthropy California

Philanthropy California is an initiative of Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), SoCal Grantmakers (SCG), and Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Our combined membership represents more than 600 foundations, corporate funders, philanthropic individuals and families, giving circles, and government agencies who invest billions every year to support communities across the state, the country, and worldwide.

A detailed version of our full conference program with session titles and descriptions is available here.

Breakout Sessions: 75-minute, interactive sessions, where participants access and hear from peer practitioners, nonprofit organizations, community members and consultants. Sessions discuss specific concepts, frameworks and tools that have immediate practical application to philanthropic work that leads to more effective and equity-centered grantmaking practices and support thriving nonprofits and communities. Breakouts feature a maximum of three speakers, including a moderator.

Workshops: 2-hour sessions that allow for real time, deeper levels of participant interaction or exploration of concepts, tools and skill-building. These sessions provide appropriate context so that participants are equipped to use what they learn in their grantmaking practice resulting in better support to nonprofits and communities. They should also offer deeper knowledge, training and/or a more tactical dive to help participants increase their capacity. Workshops feature a maximum of three speakers, including a moderator.

Spark Conversations: 45-minute sessions designed to be a highly participatory conversation or engaging activity that provides space for participants to grapple with the issues that matter most in our work. They offer new ideas, explore challenges and offer new insights into our work as grantmakers. Spark conversations feature one to two facilitators to guide the conversation.

Community Building Events: Community building events offer an opportunity for peers to gather during the GEO conference separate from the formal conference program. Check out our community building form during registration for more

Plenaries: Our plenary mainstage will showcase a variety of speakers, highlighting works from individuals in philanthropy, movement spaces and beyond, to dive deep and provide both big ideas, and actionable takeaways on transforming philanthropic culture and practice.

Short Talks: Short Talks are engaging 20-minute, keynote style presentations that challenge current philanthropic culture and practice or inspire participants to think about the topic, their work and/or lives differently.

Active Hour and Mindfulness Moment: To transform philanthropic culture and practice together, we need to take care of ourselves. These sessions will offer participants an opportunity to engage in some inclusive and accessible movement or mindfulness work.

Early Arrivers Social Hour and Welcome Reception: These events will offer opportunities to build relationships and community with other conference participants.

Check out recordings of select 2024 National Conference plenaries as well as our inspiring short talks here.

Looking for a resource from a session that inspired you or hoping to share some of what you learned with your colleagues?

Follow the link to our shared Dropbox of session resources from some of our presenters.

Thank you to the committee volunteers that support the planning of our conference!

Conference Program Committee

  • Kara Carter, California Health Care Foundation (Co-chair)
  • Sakura Takano, Rotary Charities of Traverse City (Co-chair)
  • Cleopatra Jach Acquaye, Funders for LGBTQ Issues
  • Michelle Adeniyi, Crown Family Philanthropies
  • Judith Bell, San Francisco Foundation
  • Jo Carcedo, formerly Episcopal Health Foundation
  • Ryan Easterly, WITH Foundation
  • Gail Fuller, Disability & Philanthropy Forum
  • Kathleen Holmes, Missouri Foundation for Health
  • Stephanie Hyre, The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
  • Daniel Lau, The Libra Foundation
  • Marisa Magallanez, Albuquerque Community Foundation
  • Tuly Martinez, Southern California Grantmakers
  • Donald Matteson, Peter & Elizabeth Tower Foundation
  • Karla Mercado, Philanthropy California
  • Megan Murphy, Superior Health Foundation
  • Nancy Ramirez Arriaga, Philanthropy Consultant
  • Rachel Reichenbach, Humanity United
  • Kara Shibiya, StriveTogether
  • Vicky Stott, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Conference Host Committee

  • Charles Sidney Fields, Irvine Foundation (Co-chair)
  • Joanna Jackson, Weingart Foundation (Co-chair)
  • Jamie Allison, Haas Sr. Fund
  • Cedrick Andrews, Sunlight Giving
  • Katrina Ashley, Annenberg Foundation
  • Cielo V. Castro, California Community Foundation
  • Cathy Cha, Haas Jr. Fund
  • Debbie Chang, Blue Shield of California Foundation
  • Jennifer Chheang, The California Endowment
  • Lori A. Cox, The California Wellness Foundation
  • Angel Daniels, Angell Foundation
  • Chris Essel, Southern California Grantmakers
  • Glen Galaich, Stupski Foundation
  • Frida Hatami, Roy + Patricia Disney Family Foundation
  • Brandi Howard, East Bay Community Foundation
  • Christopher Langston, Archstone Foundation
  • Peter Laugharn, Conrad Hilton Foundation
  • Dwayne Marsh, Northern California Grantmakers
  • Phyllis Owens, Community Partners
  • Taryn Palumbo, Orange County Grantmakers
  • Megan Thomas, Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties
  • Prithi Trivedi, Packard Foundation
  • Jehan Velji, Hewlett Foundation

Support GEO's 2024 National Conference

Thank you to all our current 2024 National Conference Supporters:

  • Angell Foundation
  • Annenberg Foundation
  • A-plan Coaching
  • Arabella Advisors
  • Ascendium Education Group
  • Blue Shield of California Foundation
  • Bush Foundation
  • California Community Foundation
  • California Health Care Foundation
  • The California Endowment
  • The California Wellness Foundation
  • CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
  • Community IT Innovators
  • Community Partners
  • Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
  • The David and Lucille Packard Foundation
  • East Bay Community Foundation
  • Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Venue relocation supporters:

  • The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
  • The Weingart Foundation
  • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  • The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
  • Humanity United
  • The James Irvine Foundation
  • The Kresge Foundation
  • Lumina Foundation
  • Missouri Foundation for Health
  • Northern California Grantmakers
  • The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
  • Resilia
  • Rotary Charities of Traverse City
  • Roy + Patricia Disney Family Foundation
  • Stupski Foundation
  • Temelio
  • Walter & Elise Haas Fund
  • Walton Family Foundation
  • Weingart Foundation
  • William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • The California Endowment
  • California Health Care Foundation
  • Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
  • Rotary Charities of Traverse City
  • San Francisco Foundation
  • Stupski Foundation
  • Walter & Elise Haas Fund

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