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Cross-post: The Search

Reflections on the 2017 Unity Summit

After the 2017 Unity Summit, AAPIP (Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy) invited its members to write reflections about the summit. GEO’s very own Wing Li was asked to share her thoughts, and she wrote a piece on finding her path within the philanthropic sector. Here’s a short excerpt from her story:

"As GEO’s equity work took shape, it was clear that I needed to seek “my people” in philanthropy. It can feel very lonely in a white-dominant field, doing work that is emotionally taxing with few role models who looked like me. At this juncture in my career, the Unity Summit proved fortuitous.

At the Unity Summit, I saw my previous world and philanthropy collide. This was evident in the content – which focused on investing in movements to advance equity – as well as the softer, intangible ways the convening was designed to create organic authentic connections. The sessions that were put on by the various Change Philanthropy partners really spoke to me. These were the folks who are inspiring me to think bigger, longer term, and more holistically. These were the folks with whom I can have conversations where I can rely on shorthand forged by common experiences and outlooks to cut to the chase."

To read the full post, head over to AAPIP’s blog.

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