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Cross-post: Crafting Capacity-Building Support that Counts

This post, which originally appeared on the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s website, digs deeper into what it looks like to evaluate and implement capacity-building support through a case study with Healthcare Georgia Foundation. To read the complete post, please visit CEP’s website.

When grantmakers consider providing capacity-building support for the first time or refining their existing capacity-building support, it can be challenging to figure out where to begin. What kind of questions should we ask? Where should we focus? What is the best way to provide support?

Strengthening Grantees: Foundation and Nonprofit Perspectives highlights that grantmakers can work to better understand the needs of nonprofits, as well as partner with the organizations they fund to ensure that their capacity-building support meets those organizations’ true needs. GEO’s publication, Strengthening Nonprofit Capacity, explores the ways that grantmakers can do just that. By supporting organizations to strengthen their leadership and improve the ability of their staff and board members to perform at their best, philanthropy can help ensure that nonprofits have what they need to deliver on their missions over the long haul.

Healthcare Georgia Foundation is a helpful case study on what it looks like to evaluate capacity-building support and make changes to better meet the needs of nonprofits. Since its inception, the foundation has worked to strengthen nonprofit health organizations by providing general operating support and by implementing grant programs specifically focused on capacity building. In 2012 and 2014, the foundation commissioned evaluations of two of its capacity-building programs, which informed the foundation’s launch of its EmpowerHealth grant program in 2016. The goal of this program is to provide the funding and technical assistance necessary to help nonprofits increase specific capabilities to deliver stronger programs, take risks, build connections, innovate, and iterate.

Head over to the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s website to continue reading.

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