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Advocacy as a Strategy: How Funders Can Drive Change

Philanthropy alone cannot solve complex challenges, but it can support the people and organizations working toward lasting solutions. More lean funders are embracing Catalytic Leadership in Philanthropy (CLIP)—a values-driven approach that prioritizes deep relationships, long-term commitment, and leveraging resources beyond grantmaking. Funders who embrace CLIP recognize that meaningful change requires more than money—it takes collaboration, trust, and engagement in the broader systems that shape communities.

One way funders extend their impact is through advocacy. By amplifying community voices, addressing systemic barriers, and supporting policies that enable change, funders help create conditions for long-term progress. Yet, many hesitate, often confusing advocacy with lobbying. In reality, advocacy is much broader—it includes convening grantees, meeting with policymakers, raising awareness, and shaping public discourse. When used strategically, advocacy strengthens the very systems that influence people’s lives, ensuring that community-driven solutions can take root and thrive.

How Funders Are Engaging in Advocacy

The 2025 Foundation Operations & Management Report (FOMR) shows that funders are recognize advocacy as an important part of their work:

  • 33% met with local policymakers.
  • 32% engaged with local elected officials.
  • 21% participated in state-level advocacy.
  • 11% engaged at the federal level.

A small number of funders are engaging in other advocacy tactics, though they remain uncommon. Some are convening peers (10%) to discuss shared priorities, monitoring regulatory hearings (9%), participating in local government meetings (8%), or providing public testimony (6%).

How Lean Funders Are Leading Change

Exponent Philanthropy’s Advocacy Field Guide provides practical strategies for funders to drive systemic change. Even small, targeted investments can make a significant impact. Across the country, funders are leveraging data, building coalitions, and educating policymakers to shape policies in key areas like public education and early childhood development.

For example, after Texas cut $5.3 billion from public education in 2011, the philanthropist Janet Harman and the KDK-Harman Foundation mobilized funders to respond. They launched a statewide survey and formed the Texas Education Grantmakers Advocacy Consortium (TEGAC) to coordinate advocacy efforts. By pooling resources and using data to illustrate the impact of the cuts, TEGAC built a compelling case for restoring funding. Their efforts led to the reinstatement of $4 billion for public education in the next legislative session.

Similarly, the Potts Family Foundation in Oklahoma created the Early Childhood Legislative Caucus to educate lawmakers about the importance of early development. The foundation’s co-founder Pat Potts and president Craig Knutson met with legislators and hosted expert briefings to highlight the need for funding evidence-based programs. Their advocacy helped pass Oklahoma’s first trauma-informed task force. The foundation also keeps over 60 organizations informed through newsletters and op-eds, encouraging broader engagement in early childhood policy.

Funding Advocacy Beyond the Foundation

Funders don’t have to be in the room with policymakers to make a difference. Many are expanding their impact by supporting nonprofits that lead advocacy efforts themselves. Many are expanding their impact by supporting nonprofits that lead advocacy efforts themselves. By funding grassroots organizations and coalitions, they help ensure advocacy is driven by those with lived experience and deep expertise—people who understand the challenges firsthand and can push for meaningful, lasting change.

Between 2021 and 2024, the David and Lura Lovell Foundation in Arizona (which sunset in 2024) provided $600,000 to Lift Our Voices (LOV), a nonprofit working to end forced arbitration and nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) that silence workers facing discrimination and harassment. With support from funders like Lovell, LOV helped secure two landmark federal laws: the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021, which allows survivors to take legal action, and the Speak Out Act, which bans pre-dispute NDAs for sexual assault and harassment—marking some of the most significant labor law changes in a century.

According to the 2025 FOMR, 34% of funders support organizations engaged in local advocacy, while 37% fund organizations engaged in advocacy efforts at the state level. These grants are typically general operating support, giving grantees the flexibility to advocate as needed within their mission rather than restricting how funds can be used.

Some funders back issue-based advocacy through direct service organizations—grantees whose primary mission is not advocacy but who engage in it as part of their work. For example, a foundation supporting services for homeless veterans may also fund those organizations to advocate for policies that address homelessness. Some funders find that partnering with direct service organizations leads to their most effective advocacy work. These organizations’ firsthand experience helps identify key policy opportunities where funders can make a meaningful impact.

Others support organizations dedicated to advocacy, including think tanks, media centers, and leadership development groups. Grantees may be public charities or 501(c)(4) organizations, with expenditure responsibility used when required.

Advocacy as a Long-Term Strategy

Whether through direct engagement or by funding advocacy work, philanthropy can help advance policies that create lasting, systemic change.

If your foundation has not explored advocacy yet, start small—listen to grantees, identify a policy priority, and consider how your voice can support community-led solutions. Advocacy works best when funders are championing the needs of community members.

How is your foundation engaging in advocacy?

Brendan McCormick is associate director, research and publications at Exponent Philanthropy and Hannah Smith is manager, editorial and publications at Exponent Philanthropy. Find Brendan and Hannah on LinkedIn.


Brendan McCormick
Hannah Smith

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